Wellness Therapy

Writing as a healing and therapeutic exercise

Writing is one of an effective way of expressing inner emotions of an individual. It helps an individual to understand the real feelings and makes him to get real experiences. When people are given the opportunity to write about their emotions and real experiences, this often helps in improving their health.The basic principle of this type of therapy is to allow people to express their emotions, especially negative and unwanted experiences by means of writing.

Many times, negative feelings or emotions are really suppressing, which remain inside the mind of an individual. This slowly starts affecting the person in different ways and increases the overall stress and depression faced by the person. This emotional stress then converts into physical troubles and leads to complaints like pain, muscle aches, discomfort and sleeplessness.Writing therapy is typically performed with a special type of counselor, who should be a psychotherapist.

The therapy is performed in several sessions, which usually depends on the mental and physical condition of an individual. Typically, the first session begins with introductory writing about the individual and their hidden feelings.

Then the therapist assesses the hidden emotions of that person and prepares for the following sessions accordingly, which is based on what the person writes.These sessions are taken in a set of two to three days or sometimes even longer according to the need of the patient.

The number of sessions required and the gap between two sessions varies, which the therapist best decides.We practice different types of writings and some of them are as follows:

  • The first form of writing is letter writing, where the person writes to another person to share the hidden emotions. This type of writing deals with interpersonal conflicts and feelings of the writer.
  • The second form of writing includes the confession writing. In this, a person writes about any negative deeds or experiences.
  • The next and more effective form of writing is diary writing, which performs regularly. In this, an individual regularly writes about the daily activities and emotions.
  • Creative writing is that form of writing, where a person writes original piece of writing in the form of story or poetry, which is generally based on personal experiences and emotions.