Health Tourism

What you need to know about 'Agnikarma' in Ayurveda

Alternative therapies refer to a wide group of spiritual and natural healing methods that are different from the pharmaceutical medicine. In several countries, many of these healing methods have been used for centuries. Some examples of this are ayurveda, aromatherapy, acupuncture, meditation, naturopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, and herbal therapy.Ayurveda is 5,000 years old Indian science, which has an excellent record of curing several chronic diseases, infections, and migraines. Agnikarma is one of the best ayurveda based therapies, which includes treatment of certain diseases using heat burns. This is a part of ayurvedic surgical treatment, but similar to cauterization. Several studies have shown that some diseases are not curable by medicines or surgery but are effectively treated by using Agnikarma method. People believe that Agnikarma method cures the ailments completely with no recurrence chances.

Process of Agnikarma

This process is normally done by using several metals like gold, silver, panch dhatu, and iron shalaka. In an addition to this, agnikarma can be done even with metal coins, ring or with bhallatak and pippali seeds. These metal probes are heated at a prescribed temperature and then used at particular sites on the patient's body, which is generally depends on the ailment.

Effects of Agnikarma

  • Agnikarma improves the metabolism and excretes the unwanted metabolism and toxins.
  • It decreases the viscosity of blood and thus leads to decrease the blood pressure. Apart from this, after performing this method or therapy the superficial sensory nerves get stimulating. This results in increasing blood circulation and appears to reduce the excitability of nerves.
  • After performing the agnikarma, there may be generalize delegation of the heated blood on the centers concerned with regeneration of the body temperature. This reduces the peripheral resistance to the flow of blood. This also causes a reduction in the viscosity of the blood and can even results as low blood pressure.
  • This may effect as relaxation of muscles and increase the efficiency of their action.
  • Irritation is the normal response of the tissue to the presence of bacteria. The principle features being vasodilatation, exudation of fluid into tissue and increases in the white blood cells and antibodies in the area.

The therapy also followed by certain preoperative measures, which includes preparing the patient, taking aseptic precautions, and cleaning the site with the prescribed solutions. The site is decided while keeping type of ailment and condition of the patient in mind.