Kampo is a method of healing, which involves the use of herbs. It is an ancient form of therapy, which was used by traditional Chinese people centuries ago. In Japan, Kampo is considered as the study and further development of Chinese Herbal Medicine.
Created by Japanese, this unique method includes various Chinese therapies like moxibustion and acupuncture.Kampo is a Japanese pronunciation of two Chinese words ''Kan'' and "Po" which mean "from China" and "way." When these two words come together, it means "from the Chinese way." In other words, Kampo therapy is a blend of traditional Chinese and Japanese technique of healing. Introduced in Japan by a monk in the sixteenth century, this therapy was refined by Japanese practitioners in order to make it more effective.The main concept of the therapy is the use of traditional methods of healing and curing. The principle and the procedure of this therapy are quite different from the western methods of healing.
The concept of the therapy is based on In-You (negative and positive), Gogyou (five lines), Ki (air), Sui (water) and Ketu (Blood). The therapy focuses on identifying the type of ailment and then performs suitable treatments to heal and cure the ailment. This involves identifying the specific patterns of healing of the body of an individual and the ability of that person to fight with a particular disease or ailment.The therapy does not focus on a specific part of the body; rather it focuses on an individual as a whole and then prescribes herbal medicines according to the condition of the patient and type of ailment. It is an oral medication therapy, which does not contain any pain and any type of physical work or activity. The therapy may include herbal tea, powders, pills, and tonics. In some cases, you can combine it with moxibustion, acupuncture, and therapeutic massage.
Benefits of the therapy
It helps balance the four basic patterns of the body through herbal medicines and several combinations of herbs. It is an effective formula for relieving symptoms and to restore the energy balance. It is beneficial in treating conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetic complications, bronchial asthma, and endometrial cancer. Moreover, it helps in curing various diseases like collagen disease, bedwetting, colds, nausea and high cholesterol.