Wellness Therapy

Types of aquatic bodyworks

Aquatic bodywork is a form of hydrotherapy that helps people maintain health and wellbeing. This therapy is a form of water dance used worldwide for rehabilitation, recreation, and healing. During the process, you lie weightless in chest-deep warm water and practitioner will support your head, lower back, and other parts of the body so that you can move easily in the water. Aquatic bodywork includes stretching that can release muscle tension in your body.Several types of aquatic body works include watsu, water dance, aquassage, healing dance, Jahara technique, and dolphin dance. These types are described as follows:


Watsu or water shiatsu is a unique water therapy based on oriental methods of acupuncture massage. This massage is applied while stretching in the water, which is similar to Zen Shiatsu. During the procedure, the patient is massaged, floated, held, and moved rhythmically. This therapy is considered good to treat several energy blockages and allow the release of hidden emotions.Water danceIt is a unique method of dancing, which include dance rhythmically in the water. During the therapy, the patient floats and dances on the surface of the water. This helps the patient to feel free and comfortable. As an individual floats at the surface of the water, his breath gradually becomes deeper, calmer, and slower, which lead to mental, physical, and emotional relaxation.


Aquassage is a perfect blend of massage, water, reflexology, acupuncture, gentle stretching, and hara work. The session often depends on the type of ailment and the severity of disease. This is for people who have some neurological problems and cannot do deep stretching movements. This therapy is most suitable for people who are sensitive to motion sickness.Healing danceHealing dance is a great therapy for people with several aches that caused due to energy blockage. This is a dance therapy and considered as a bridge between watsu and water dance.

Jahara technique

Jahara water therapy includes rhythmic exercise in circular motion. This therapy is based on principles of adaptability, support, effortlessness, invisibility, and expansion. During the procedure, the therapist supports the back of the patient so that he can move properly and easily.

Dolphin dance

It is one of the safest types of Aquatic bodyworks as it is underwater bodywork. In this therapy, the patient dance and move like a dolphin.