Auricular acupuncture is a special type of acupuncture that offers several health benefits. At present, ear acupuncture is in vogue amongst celebrities, and supermodels like Kate Moss have been found sporting ear plasters which indicate that she has been taking this treatment.Anyone can benefit from ear acupuncture but before using it for better health you must understand what it is. According to the practitioners of Chinese medicine, our ear has more than 200 pressure points that are connected with different body parts. In ear acupuncture needles are used to put pressure on these points to stimulate them and enhancing the functions of connected organs. In the following, you will find out more about auricular acupuncture.
What is ear acupuncture?
Though it is popularly believed that auricular acupuncture is a part of ancient Chinese medicine it is actually the result of research conducted by a French physician named DR. Nogier. Later Chinese researchers conducted further research on ear acupuncture and practitioners of Chinese medicine started using this method. The ear is believed to be a micro system which has numerous points that represent the different body parts and organs.There are specific points on our ear that are connected with nervous system, liver and kidney. Drug addiction and alcoholism can affect the body organs adversely leading to different types of ailments. In ear acupuncture ten needles are inserted at particular points on each ear and the patient is asked to relax for 40 to 45 minutes. It is believed to stimulate necessary organs and improve their functional capabilities.
Benefits of ear acupuncture
Ear acupuncture is being used far and wide for helping drug addicts and alcoholic get rid of their addiction and dependence on harmful substances. It is now also used for detoxification. Auricular acupuncture helps in reducing the physical signs of withdrawal, helps in relaxing, reducing anxiety, depression and tension. It can also reduce body aches, headaches and other chronic pains.If you treat yourself to auricular acupuncture regularly then you will feel more energetic and happy. Ear acupuncture undoubtedly has a calming and soothing effect on our mind and nervous system that fights insomnia and anxiety disorders. In ailments like migraine, post surgery pain and constipation ear acupuncture has proved to be really beneficial.