We have been dreaming since the beginning of time. Recreating daily experiences and playing out abstract scenarios in our sleeping hours is necessary. Dreams are the life fabrics that ask our cerebral processes to perform very important subconscious operations and allow our waking hours to be productive and energetic.
People are traveling the world, seeking various cures in search of comfort and resolutions to feeling sick, fat and tired. A nip-tuck here, an international fasting retreat there, hypnosis, sleeping pills, sleep pods, diets, spas, retreats and self help books are just some of the remedies people undergo. Most don’t realize that circadian biology and their sleep-wake cycle is the foundation of their health.
Circadian, stems from Latin origins, circa meaning “about” and dian meaning “day”. Understanding what this is will declare an end to the days of feeling sick, fat and tired.
R.E.M. can give your hypothalamus the deep sleep necessary to repair the body and balance your day. But these operations are only possible if we are sleeping correctly.
Since my primary school research papers, the subject of sleep and its complexities has kept me fascinated. The question of why does one need to sleep is age old and is the basis for a revival of sleep retreats and sleep medicine programs integrated into the multi-million dollar health tourism industry.
The average sleep for an adult is six hours, while quality sleep is considered to be eight hours. Just 100 years ago, we were sleeping an average of 9 to 11 hours nightly. A difference that, combined with lives on a trajectory of convenience and speed, leaves an estimated 30 million Americans suffering from sleep deprivation of some form related to the more than 80 identified sleep disorders.
Scientific studies have provided a foundation showing that everything from marital happiness, to professional success, regulation of weight, mood and physiological health relies on good quality sleep. The body’s natural cycles of energy, appetite, mood, libido and sleep all depend on circadian rhythms.
At one time or another all of us feel out of balance causing us to look for our own interpretations. Balance can be accomplished in all of these cycles with the proper study and understanding of your personal sleep-wake cycle. What is recommended for one may not be for another.
In place of the morning double espresso to recharge, it is beneficial to the body to implement long-term sleep solutions. Health tourism and research has brought the previously obscure study of sleep medicine into the main stream as a vibrant specialty. More of us are ready to understand the implications of bad sleep and ready to apply it to our health.
Traditionally, rest and relaxation, not sleep, are what wellness seekers and tourists want when they embark on a vacation. This is a major selling point for retreat and spa promotions, letting the consumer believe that a little R and R is all they need. However, what they are really seeking is an infinite place that will bring a level of relaxation that results in superb sleep that may not feel possible for them at home.
Ask yourself:
I was convinced I had terrible sleep patterns, because I did everything I shouldn’t do. I worked on the computer in bed, drank caffeine at night, had an overloaded work calendar and didn’t have a normal schedule. My mental processes would not shut down at night, and I squandered away nocturnal hours watching obscure cable movies.
Having recently undergone my own medically supervised sleep study, the results taught me what I didn’t know how to sleep, and it taught me how to apply the information in order to make some small changes in my waking hours that could result in better quality of life.
During the night, small electrodes tracked every movement from my eyes to my toes, my oxygen saturation, heart rhythm and brain waves, all while in the comfort of a five star spa.
Lying down to rest while being connected to a machine was slightly strange, but I was soon asleep. The next morning, the doctor and my sleep guide greeted me. We had an energetic breakfast and discussed the data gathering. I realized I hadn’t felt any difference having slept with the electrode attachments.
The medical results of my histograph, the electrode readings, were surprisingly normal. I was sleeping. Because I was opening my eyes many times throughout the night, my cerebral response made me feel that I was awake all night, when that was only a slight hiccup in my sleep. I was shown the way to sleep correctly by doing a few well thought out steps during the day and using the knowledge of the detailed consultation with the medical sleep expert. The changes were well expressed and the results very revealing.
When participating in your own sleep program, be prepared to answer everything from your anxiety level, eating habits, working hours, family life, sexual libido, familial medical history, how many lattes your drink, even if you get up to urinate at night.
With locations worldwide marketing their business as the place to be, the challenge now is finding a health tourism provider who really understands the function of sleep and who can analyze the results of things such as a polysomnography reading.
The sleep programs available can range from superficial to full range medical results. Don’t rely on quick sales and promises when choosing a health related sleep program. Speak with the directors of the programs and other sleep gurus for more information.
According to a 2007 Spa Finder list, the following are some of the known sleep programs for health and wellness:
I found myself in the Learn To Sleep® program on the Balearic Island of Mallorca, Spain. The most recently launched sleep program worldwide, Learn To Sleep® was created by luxury spa brand, Bodyna, and a joint venture with the Estivill Sleep Institute of Barcelona. Their international philosophy is based on, “descansando” and “suenos” or resting and dreaming, in English.
Mallorca, already known for its healing, vibration energies, natural salts and retreats was a perfect blend to stimulate all of my senses. In four days, you can retain and accomplish with the help of a medically supported sleep program, a result that may otherwise take years to do.
Prices on a program can vary from $900 to $5,000 all-inclusive. These programs can range from standard relaxation orientation, to hypno-sleep, full medical studies with polysomnography results and specific steps. I recommend enjoying a program that includes a doctor with a multi faceted background in neuropsychiatry, clinical psychology, surgical medicine, MR physics, or physiology.
What fits your time schedule, sleep concerns, or health needs is up to you. We no longer need to accept sleep deprived days, constant fatigue, obesity, depression, disease, heart problems and diabetes related to bad sleep. Whether you feel you sleep well or not, everyone can improve. Circadian rhythms can change. Voluntarily (shift work) or involuntary (aging) can contribute to changes.
Sleep Therapy and Sleep Medicine are attractive strategies for your overall health and will be on the growing end of hospitality packages in health tourism. Health, hospitality, leisure, travel, spa, luxury and tourism providers are seeking for their clients to sleep, rather than just simple rest and relaxation.
Everybody sleeps. Getting the most out of your sleep, a function that takes up one-third of our lives, is worth exploring. These types of sleep-generated programs go way beyond your typical beauty sleep. Take 4 days to change your life.
It’s time for a sleep awakening.
Liz Galloway is an internationally known spa and leisure consultant for Lotus Effects Advisory and Marketing Director for luxury spa brands in Spain. With her office in Barcelona, she continues to present at expos and write for several industry publications. Find out more at www.SpaImageConsultant.com or contact her directly at liz@thelotuseffects.com.