Rosen method is an alternative healing therapy that uses mild physical approach in order to provide physical and mental relief and relaxation. In this therapy, work is done on effected muscles to develop a sense of awareness and cause relaxation. This therapy also aims at create general awareness and promote personal development of an individual.Marion Rosen was the founder of this therapy. She was a physical therapist who worked with patients having physical difficulties due to old injuries and other causes. She realized that many people experience pain and discomfort for a long time even after the actual injury had collapse. The main cause behind this was the stress and tension in the old injury parts or in the muscles.The basic concept of Rosen method lies on the fact that the attentive energy within the tensed muscles should be released.
Therefore, this therapy aims at working on the tense muscles to provide relief and relaxation as well as reduce pain. This is generally done by a skilled or trained therapist, which helps the muscles to release their tension and helps the person to understand the sensitive touch that can cause psychological healing.During the method, the therapist helps the patient to relax and feel better. This includes, free movements that are aware of the surrounding, and internal barriers are performed for healing. The movements facilitate the person to move freely, naturally and remain relaxed. It is beneficial in develop flexibility, range of motion and supports the entire growth and development.Only a trained, knowledgeable and skilled practitioner can perform this therapy. The duration of the therapy session and its procedure is basically designed or decided by the practitioner. The practitioner is able to understand the tension in the muscles and responds accordingly to the required changes. This touch is non-manipulative touch, which aims only at creating self-awareness and encourages the person to identify their feelings.
Benefits of Rosen Therapy