Pranic healing is a system that works around energy and balances in order to harmonize body processes. The entire credit of this therapy goes to Grand Master Choa Kok Sui who claims that prana or energy can heal the ailments in the body by manipulating the energy field of a person. According to him, it is like yoga and acupuncture that treats the body as well as the mind."Prana" is a Sanskrit word, which means "life-force." This energy is a vital force that keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health. This therapy based on the fact that human body is a self-repairing living entity, which posses the ability to heal itself. The healing process is accelerated by increasing the prana, which is readily available from the sun, ground and air to address the physical as well as emotional balances.It is a drug free and gadget free method that requires no physical touch that is why it is also called as no-touch energy healing. It is so because the therapist is working on the bioplasmic not on the physical body.
The body is the blueprint that surrounds the physical body, absorbs the energy, and distributes it throughout the body, muscles, organs and glands.This therapy is the energy medicine that helps in the inner healing of the body of a person. Practitioners believe that it helps in the healing of physical as well as emotional ailments of an ailed person. However, it aims at providing energy to the body in order to repair itself and bring harmony into life.During the therapy, the therapist makes the patient sit or lie down in a particular position and bathes the patient with an aura. The therapist use to re-energize aura of the patient in order to expel all the negative forces from the body of the patient.
We can get the benefits of this therapy in several ways as it helps to heal simple ailments.
It is beneficial in the healing of several physical and emotional ailments and balances the energy between them.This therapy is ideal for those who are suffering from serious injuries and physical abilities. However, it is drug and gadget free method so it does not have any side effects on the body of a person. This holistic method is also beneficial for children, ill and old people.