Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine, which involves the use of small herbs for healing. This therapy makes the use of heat in treating various disorders. It is almost similar to the acupuncture as it also directs the treatment to the particular point on the body. The main aim of moxibustion is similar to the other forms of traditional Chinese therapies and medicines.
It focuses on strengthening the blood, stimulating its flow and maintains the good health and wellbeing.
Moxibustion is based on the principle of Yin and Yang, which aims at treating and curing variety of disorders by balancing the energy forces inside the body. It is believed that most of the disorders occur due to the imbalances of the energy forces.
Therefore, it is important to get them back to the state of equilibrium. This equilibrium promotes healing and good health.During the therapy, heat is applied to the acupuncture points with the help of moxa sticks and mugwort cones. These sticks specially designed and have aromatic essential oils that add the healing effect to the body of an ailed person. Therapist apply lighted moxa stick on the particular body points that transmits heat deep into the muscles thus brings healing and relaxation.
However, the heat is applied only to the tolerance level of the patient, which may vary person to person.
Moxibustion helps to relieve endorphins, which helps to reduce stress, body pain and muscle tension. It requires a skilled and trained therapist to perform the activity. During the session, therapist applies lighted sticks on some specific points, which produces warmth on that area and release pain and muscle tension. This stick is remained on those points for some time until the area becomes red. Some practitioners use it differently as they rapidly apply and withdraw the stick on acupressure points without letting the needle remain on the area for long time. It is important to take care that the skin does not burn during the therapy session.