Micro current Therapy is a form of conventional medical practice, which uses extremely low-level electrical currents to treat nerve and muscle pain, inflammation and other health problems. Usually, people experience pain in almost every type of ailment and sometimes it is acute in nature, while sometimes it lasts for a very long period. A person may experience harsh pain, dull pain or even extremely intolerable type of pain. Majorly, pain related with injuries or musculoskeletal problems is quite unbearable and the person wishes to have relief as soon as possible.Many studies have shown that, physical parameters like heat and light have been studied and found useful in relieving pain in injury and certain ailments. Electricity also considered as a best treatment during the severe pain. It has been used for centuries in developed countries.
The use of electricity in medicine is not new; clinicians used it over 150 years ago to treat bone fractures and as a pain relieving method.The basic concept of this therapy is based on the fact that the body of an individual functions like an electromagnetic system that responds to the energy around them. Scientists have proven that there are several electrical frequencies passing in and out of the body cells and the person experiences good health when the balance of this system is maintained.When a person gets injured, the electromagnetic system gets disturbed. As the result, it begins to effect the regular functioning of the body cells. They become unapproachable to vital nutrients and more susceptible to harmful environment.
Therefore, it is essential to revive the damaged electrical activity through electrical stimulation. Micro current therapy is perfect for this as it aims at healing process of the damaged tissues, improves circulation and boosts the immunity.The therapist first takes the medical history of the patient and examines him. After analyzing all-important aspects of the individual like his condition and injury, then decides on a treatment plan. During the therapy, they provide them stimulation on particular parts of the body through low voltage electric current. The time and duration of the session depends on the type of the ailment and condition of the patient.
Benefits of the Micro current Therapy