Alternative medicine has been practiced by several different cultures around the world from an ancient time. Many different types of treatment and therapies come under the definition of alternative medicine.
Alternative medicine can help in curbing the ill effects of chronic diseases. Unlike conventional medicine, alternative medicine does not use synthetic drugs or surgeries. It is a non-invasive medical treatment comprising of therapies like acupuncture, hypnosis, massage, Ayurveda and yoga.The alternative medicine we use today is the result of hundreds of years of experience of some of the most ancient cultures. Herbal medicine and herbal remedies are given more importance than antibiotics and surgeries. Millions of people prefer alternative medicine to traditional or clinical medicine because of its multiple benefits.The first and foremost benefit of alternative medicine is its cost effectiveness.
The way prices of conventional medical treatments are spiraling upwards is frightening for most middle class people. The middle class and upper middle class people are not able to afford medical treatments and surgeries. Often they have to wait for months before they can get some of the medical tests done or meet a specialist. Alternative therapies seem to be the only hope for these people.
Even the modern insurance companies are trying to include alternative therapies in the list of medical services they cover. It is not possible for every citizen to pay high premiums for insurance coverage.
They are trying to get rid of health problems by turning towards affordable alternative therapies. Easy accessibility is another reason behind the popularity of alternative medicine.Alternative therapists believe in evaluating your overall health before suggesting any therapy. They ask several questions to the patients about their lifestyle, habits, past health disorders and chronic diseases.
The answer of these questions helps them take correct decisions about the appropriate alternative therapies.Traditional medicine only looks at the symptoms of an ailment. It treats patients when they are ill but never before that. Alternative medicine offers preventive care. The overall health of patients is observed minutely. Then the therapists try to enhance the health of their clients through different preventive therapies. The alternative therapies do not just cure you but also improve your immunity system.