Jin Sin Jyutsu is one of the ancient Japanese healing methods. This therapy is practiced to restore energy balance in the body of of an individual. This therapy is same as pressure healing, but it does not require the use of needles, massage, herb, manipulation and deep pressure. Therapists only use fingertips gently on particular body parts.A Japanese sage, Master Jiromurai developed this therapy. He understood the benefits of this therapy while treating himself. It is based on ancient healing methods and Jin shin Jyutsu, which is known for its therapeutic effects. This practice was very popular in India, China, and Egypt for centuries. Mary Burmeister introduced this method in the west in 1950s.
Nowadays, it is commonly practiced in countries like China, Korea, Japan some stated of the USA and Europe.Jin Shin Jyutsu is lies on the concept that there are several energy pathways, which move in several directions within the body. These are called as flow of energy and if this is blocked then it leads to trouble in the body. It is believed that there are particular pressure points on the body that are directly connected to these pathways.
A person can achieve the state of peace of mind by pressing these energy locks.The therapist helps in gaining the healthy flow of energy along these pathways. The session of the therapy may last for an hour or long that generally depends on the therapist and the condition of the patient. During therapy, receiver remains clothed and lies on a cushioned surface. The therapist feels the energy locks and pulses in the wrist of the patient and then he stimulates to release the blockage of energy in pathways.