Wellness Therapy

Feng Shui: Healing with the ancient Chinese idea of life

Feng Shui is a Chinese concept, which means wind over water. Feng Shui is a way of living and it studies the movement and manipulation of electromagnetic energy. This therapy primarily focuses at attempting to sustain a harmony in our lives and the surroundings in order to experience a peaceful life.Feng Shui has been used in Chinese culture since ancient times and is considered a balanced way of living. Some people use this as a decoration material, it is also used in making of houses and even town planning. People believe that there are some good and some wild winds around us and it is important to protect yourself from wild winds. Hence, the main aim of this is to fight against wild wind and water that could affect lives and wellbeing.

Gradually, as the society grew and became modern, Feng Shui gained a name for bringing wealth, fertility, success and fame.However, the major aim is to fight against the evil by removing its negative effects. For this, people generally consider planning or decorating the environment with Fang Shui in a particular fashion. It is believe that human beings are a part of this universe and they must pay respect to the environment and their surroundings. They should not only guard the environment but also give love, affection and must abstain from behaving against the Mother Nature.Feng Shui is based on the 'three luck' concept, which is explained as follow:

Heaven luck

According to this, a man is born with this luck, which is based on his activities in the past life. One cannot change this luck.

Humankind luck

According to this, a man gets his luck by the actions, dedication and the devotion shown in the life.

Earth luck

According to this, a person's life is influenced by the luck of the earthly places where he lives or works in. However, the luck in these places can be changed by using Feng Shui and its directions.


  • It enhances the flow of positive energy in home as well as in the workplace.
  • It can easily tone your environments for best living and working.
  • It is commonly used to energize the environment to become a magnet for opportunities and prosperity.