Fasting therapy is one of the most ancient customs that is natural, oldest, effective and least expensive of treating diseases. In this type of body cleansing therapy, people do not eat anything. They only consume a particular type of food. Only liquids may be allowed, such as herbal teas, fruits and vegetable juices, this is because these things are easily digestible in fasting.Fasting therapy is known as one of the most dependable curative methods, throughout medical history. It refers to complete moderation from food for a particular period pertaining to a specific reason. According to experts, when people consume regular food, many types of food contain chemicals and high fat foods give rise to toxins in the body. This not only deprives the body of vital vitamins and nutrients but also affects the functioning of the body system.
Fasting is an alternative method of cleansing, which removes toxins from the body and is considered as an essential part of the detoxification process. It is based on the idea that the body sometimes needs to go on a vacation, quite similar to the way most people do. Body too needs a break from digesting and processing heavy food. Therefore, during this process, the body is able to focus on cleansing the toxins, which automatically promotes the health and wellbeing.
During this process, there is less intake of calories and the liver uses glucose from its stores in order to keep the brain functioning. This causes the breakdown of fatty acids to avoid proteins from breaking down, which results in keto is. This allows fluids and fruit juices and maintains a supply of simple sugars to the body.It is always advised to get a medical assessment done before beginning with this therapy as people suffering from certain ailments, such as nutritional disorders, anemia, gastric troubles, tuberculosis, cancers, etc need proper nutrition and fasting may affect their health and wellbeing.