Wellness Therapy

Faith healing therapy lets your spiritual side heal your physical being

Faith healing or spiritual healing is a holistic method of spiritual healing, which is used to enhance health and wellness. It is a method of curing and treating wide range of diseases and is beneficial for people who are suffering from major illness. It is a complementary treatment modality that can be used in an addition to the main treatment. It should not be consider as an alternative medicine to the main treatment as it do not treat the ailment, but only promote wellness.The main concept of this therapy lies on the fact that some people have the ability to the supernatural power and they can channelize them for the betterment and healing of the person.

According to this principle, the people connected by these divine powers are called mediators and they have the ability to heal the patient by using these powers. They can get closely connected with the higher powers and help the needy. This may involve prayers, meditation and rituals, but it only works with the deep faith of the patient on the supernatural powers of the healer.However, scientists do not support this kind of healing as they claim that it does not have any scientific evidence. According to them, this only happens due to the deep faith of the patient on the divine powers of the healer. It cannot completely cure or treat the ailment but it may work as an addition to the main treatment.

This therapy provides the peace of the mind to the patient and enhances his will power and faith in the god.During the therapy session, the healer enables patient to recognize his potential by relaxing them and provide him the peace of mind. As the result, this creates the sense of hope in the patient and the patient start feeling safe and free from ailments from inside.


  • Spiritual healing therapy helps patient to relieve pain and enables him to deal with their health problems effectively.
  • This therapy is believed to bring the peace of mind, improvement in general health and severity of the chronic medical condition.
  • It improves the confidence level of the patient and helps him to get rid of his ailments.
  • This therapy is generally based on the faith of the patient on the powers of the healer. Thus, it makes them confident and enables them to fight mentally from their ailment.