Sand play therapy establishes a safe and protected space, where the complexities of inner world explores and integrates into the psyche for emotional healing. In this therapy, therapists make the use of sand and miniatures to move in the sand in a systematic way. People believe that this therapy is beneficial in bringing out the emotions, feelings and even solutions to their problems.Many people cannot express their feelings and emotions like despair, confusion, feeling of worthlessness, inability to take decision and this therapy provides a peace of mind during this emotional imbalance. This therapy helps in realizing the deeper thoughts or emotions and their solutions. Another key advantage of this therapy is the relief that it provides a relief through tactile sensory stimulation.The entire credit of this therapy goes to
Dr. Margaret Lowenfield who was a child psychiatrist. During her work, she realizes that children use sand play in many ways to work out their inner feelings. Playing in the sand and the creation of sand world gives them an opportunity for expression of feelings. This way gives a way to verbal as well as non-verbal expressions and provides relief to the person.People often get confused between sand tray therapy and ply therapy. However, sand tray therapy is an energetic form of play therapy and can be used by participants from all ages. A sand tray takes place where participants can form structures from their own ideas and can use miniatures to create their own world. Once they get into their world, they often talk out their emotions and express their feelings, which is very important for health and wellbeing. By using sand therapy, they can make patterns and use imagination of their own to draw objects. In an addition to this, they can figures and create a dramatic play, which talks about their real emotions.