Wellness Therapy

Eurhythmy Therapy: An art of harmonious movement

Eurhythmy is an ancient movement method of healing, which is an art of harmonious movement as a form of expression. The whole credit of this therapy goes to an Austrian philosopher, Dr. Rudolf Steiner. He believed that any type of healing can be done in a better way by expressing inner emotions.Although it seems new in our time but is based on the ancient Greek temple dance. During that time, dance was performed as the expression of the spiritual in the human being. In simple words, we can say that, it is a performing art, which is expressed in the form of movement. This is a perfect blend of creativity of music and speech.Eurhythmy therapy principally based on the fact that the human body is an undividable part of the creative world and there are several creative movements present around us in nature. Every movement is related to a specific type of emotion and we can make the use of these special movements to express our internal feelings and emotions. Hence, it is very essential to study this as this marks the presence of life and health in humans.

The main aims of this therapy to bring a change and relocate the balance in the body of an individual. This therapy makes the use of rich expressions of speech and music, which helps in restoring and healing of an individual. This therapy involves various exercises and therapists teach them different moves and exercises. The session of exercise is planned for a specific duration, which generally depends on the condition and the requirement of the patient. This therapy helps in vanishing of symptoms and encourages an active process of healing. It also promotes the individual to participate in rhythmic and harmonious movements.

Benefits of Eurhythmy Therapy

  • Eurhythmy therapy can be helpful in various conditions like asthma, allergies, heart and digestive troubles.
  • It is also beneficial in diabetes, menstrual problems, hormonal imbalances, psychological problems, sleep disorders and for general health.
  • Additionally, this promotes health, helpful in weight loss and tone up the body.
  • Like other therapies it is also beneficial in restore the energy level, boosts immunity, improves the flow and controls the blood pressure.
  • It is beneficial for those who cannot express their hidden feelings and emotions.