Erdman therapy is an alternative method of treating circulatory related problems. This therapy focuses on enhancing the rate at which the blood flows, and on improving the circulation of blood. However, most of the people suffer from blood pressure, hence the main aim of this therapy is to balance the flow of blood and reduce the risk of high blood pressure.Frederick Erdman emphasized the importance of proper circulation of blood in the body of an individual. He worked to alleviate the troubles of people who suffer from circulatory problems.
It is the condition where the blood vessels of a person widen, often leading to sickness.This therapy is based on the fact that different individuals have different circulatory patterns. According to these differences, people are divided into two groups. The first group includes people who have good tone of the vessel walls. On the other side, there are people who have weak vessel walls and this is the main reason that they have wider blood vessels. Measures like massage and heat can be very helpful people with good tone vessels. To contrast, cold applications are found to be very helpful for people who have weak vessel walls.
Application of heat cause vasodilatation and application of cold causes vasoconstriction.Therapists use different methods to treat such situations. In the case of vasoconstriction, heat is applied on the body of an individual by the therapist for a particular period as per the requirement of the person. On the other hand, in the case of vasodilatation, ice is wrapped in a towel and cold application is given to the patient.The patient need special care during the therapy, and it is the duty of the therapist that the patient does not get burns during the therapy. These applications need proper monitoring during therapy session. People with reduced sensation also need special care.