Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is an alternative therapy, which are quite new discovery and a fast evolving treatment within the field of Energy Psychology. This therapy includes various other therapies like energy medicine, acupressure or neurolinguistic programming and catching the attention of scientists, healers, spiritualists and people. Like other alternative healing methods, it involves tapping on specific therapeutic acupressure points.According to Chinese ancient healing principles, there are acupuncture points and meridians, which are attached to the brain. However, tapping on these points helps an individual to be free from all his negative emotions, also modify brain functioning.
This can be beneficial for them and can help them to diminish neurological as well as psychological problems.Emotional freedom technique is also considered as an emotional form of acupuncture as it includes the tapping of acupunctures.
According to therapists, there are 13 specific therapeutic points, which are helpful in the systematic and balanced flow of energy. When these points are tapped during the session, then it enables patients to release the energy blockage.Two basic areas need to be worked out while practicing this therapy and that includes location and technique of tapping the healing points and the other is positive assertion. When the point is located and the procedure is decided then the tapping is done gently by using the fingers firmly.This therapy is very simple and can be used effectively as a self-help tool, which empowers people to actively contribute to their development and own healing process. EFT facilitates a faster relief process, which is beneficial as well as less time consuming in this busy world. This therapy does not harm the reputation of medical care, often with limited results.
Benefits of EFT