According to science, human body has magnetic energy within. Inside the body, there exists electrical and magnetic energy that allow the body to perform its functions. The principle of Electromagnetic therapy primarily lies on the fact that when there is disparity in the energy system, it causes disturbance in the mind and body and eventually results in state of ailment.Electromagnetic therapy is an alternative therapy, which includes the use of electromagnetic energy for physical and mental ailments. It is also termed as electromagnetism, magnetic field therapy that primarily focuses on magnetic healing using the magnetic energy. This therapy proposes a theory that the help of external electromagnetic fields, can bring back the balance of energy systems in the body.This therapy produces gentle, low induction impulses that help to stimulate and rejuvenate the cells in the body of an individual.
This is better for the person's health and promotes wellbeing. The treatment rouses the production of nitrogen monoxide within the body, which leads to better blood circulation and the supply of the blood. As the result, the cells become well oxygenated and they detoxify, generate and reproduce. It also improves the immunity and helps in fighting against bad bacteria in the body. This therapy can therefore assist in the treatment of a wide range of ailments, such as injuries, healing of wounds and chronic diseases.Only an Electromagnetic therapist can perform the therapy with the help of specially designed devices, which produce the electric and magnetic fields for this purposes. The duration of the therapy generally depends on the severity of the ailment and the condition of the patient.