Wellness Therapy

Ear candling therapy keeps your ears and your senses in order

Ears are very important organs in the human body, which is the key organ for our senses that maintains the balance. Hearing is the main function of the ear, but its design also allows it to produce a natural secretion in the form of earwax. It is very important to cleanse ears in order to protect them against toxic elements and other infections and ear-candling therapy is perfect for this.Ear candling is also known as ear coning or thermal auricular therapy, which is an alternative therapy used to clean the unwanted accumulated wax in the ears. This therapy is a holistic way of treating earaches and other ear problems. This therapy makes the use of specially designed unique candles for healing purpose.

The energy cleansing techniques has been around from several past years. However, the exact origin of candling is unknown. Some people believe that this therapy has been found in every culture since the beginning of civilization.According to experts, the unusually accumulated earwax in the ears is considered as the key reason for reduced hearing and many ear infections. Ear candling is a holistic method of removing the unwanted wax with the help of candles, which are specially designed and made from natural fibers.

These candles are made from linen cloth coated with beeswax or paraffin and then shaped into a conical cylinder and measure around 10" to 15"in length with varying widths.It is therapeutic relaxation technique similar to acupressure, aromatherapy and acupuncture. A coiled roll is built into the candle, which allows the smoke to be pulled into ears. When this candle is heated, heat causes the wax and debris to loosen and vacuum is created, which acts as suction and helps in the removal of excess earwax.Ear candling is a complicated procedure; therefore, it is only done by a trained therapist and under the necessary medical arrangements. They make the patient to lie straight turning to one side. Then the therapist lights the therapeutic candle and then gently insert the contraction end of the candle into the ear of the patient. The number of sessions and procedure of the therapy depends on the condition of the patient.

Benefits of Ear Candling Therapy

  • Ear candling is commonly used in treating ailments, such as ear infections, earaches, reduced hearing due to accumulated debris.
  • It is also beneficial in ringing in ears, migraines, headaches, pressure in ears and problems of the balance system.