Dolphin Assisted therapy is a method in which an animal is involved in order to treat the ailment of a person. This therapy is also called as an animal assisted therapy. It is an alternative method of healing. However, there is no scientific backup for this kind of therapy.
The therapy is practiced in order to treat a variety of ailments, and is commonly practiced in the USA. This therapy is an integral part of wellness tourism and is administered by many renowned wellness centers.Dr. Nathanson is the founder of this therapy, and introduced it to children. The main aim of this therapy is to improve the speech skills of children, and it is useful for patients with some other disabilities as well. This therapy is based on the belief that the sonar of the dolphin is helpful in the healing process.
According to practitioners of Dolphin Assisted Therapy, it is beneficial for patients who are mentally disturbed, unstable, and need special care. However, the procedure of DAT involves mental relaxation of the patient by preparing him for the entire process. During the therapy, the patient is allowed to come in the dolphin's contact from the shore. A complete relaxation technique and family's support is very important in order to perform the therapy.
The duration of the therapy can vary from person to person, but it is advisable that the patient be in the dolphin's contact at least for 15 to 20 minutes every day, and the routine can be continued for a week, or ten days.Many scientists and therapists do not find DAT beneficial in treating ailments. They do not believe that this therapy has therapeutic properties. According to them, the feel good effect can be obtained by loving any pet. Making the use of animals for our benefits can mean being cruel to dolphins as well as other animals.
Practitioners claim that this therapy is beneficial for patients who suffer from psychological problems such as stress, depression, and phobias. Moreover, DAT is helpful in treating conditions like autism and mental retardation. Apart from this, DAT is helpful in the conditions like cerebral palsy and developmental disabilities in children.