Craniosacral is a holistic approach of curing, which involves the subtle rhythmic movements of the living tissues in our body. Osteopaths, physiotherapists, massage therapists and neuropaths as craniosacral bodywork usually practice this therapy. It is a non-invasive and mild cranial treatment.The credit of the foundation of this therapy goes to Dr. William Sutherland. This therapy happened when he realized that the cranial sutures of the skull are involved in rhythmic movements. According to his studies, these movements are closely related to the movements of the deeper tissues in the body.The basic principle of craniosacral therapy is based on the theory that the breath of life produces certain slight rhythms, which can be felt on the body.
The beats can be compared to tides and can be classified as craniosacral impulse. Therapeutic base of this therapy based on the belief that the liquid in the brain and spine, which is called the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), is accountable for supplying the tissues of the body with the force of life. If there is any disturbance in the fluid then this will led to the improper functioning of tissues. Therefore, the balance in the life force can be restored by gently manipulating the cranial sutures and bones.The procedure of this therapy involves gentle and careful manipulation of the skull bones and cranial sutures. During the session, the patient is made to lie comfortably on his back with relaxed breathing.
Then the therapist places his hands on the head of the patient and tries to make him feel better. Further, he gives him a gentle massage in order to release the tension and stress. The number of sessions and the procedure of the therapy generally depend on the condition of the patient and the severity of the symptoms. In some cases, therapist may not be always able to alleviate the complaints but may be able to understand the condition and find the cause behind it.
Benefits of the therapy