Cell therapy is a newer form of treating ailments, which takes place only in the cells. Cells are the smallest functional and structural biological unit of the body. Cells are the most vital part of the body of a living organism, which forms the tissues, muscles, bones and different organs of the body.However, in this modern era, cell therapy has emerged as a latest as well as popular technique of introducing new cells into the body of an individual. This aims at regenerating the existing system by the introducing new and healthy cells from animals and newborns.This therapy originated in the nineteenth century. It was the time when scientists experimented by injecting animal material in order to prevent and treat ailment.
Further Dr. Paul Niehans used this technique to perform organ transplantation.Cell Therapy is further classified into two categories that are cell therapy in mainstream medicine and alternative medicine. This therapy is primarily targeted at many clinical indications in several organs by the various modes of cell delivery. It involves the long-term replacement of damaged or dead tissues.With the use of this treatment, cells can be grown and divided in cultures.
They can be cultured in test tubes, depending on the need and condition of the patient. Various scientists use this method to study cells independently and therapies cultured at the suitable stage of growth can be injected into the body to treat the ailment.
Cell therapy has proved to be most effective in providing diseased organs with healthy cells.Apart from this, another way is the use of fresh fetal tissue, which is either used fresh, or preserved in laboratories and used as per the case or requirement.
This therapy is commonly used in such condition where, transplant of an organ may be difficult. This includes organs like brain, kidney, heart and endocrine glands.Cell therapy includes injection of alien cells into the body. Hence, special safety measures need to be taken regarding the acceptance by the patient who is going through the therapy. Risks can include anaphylactic shock and other reactions that must be kept in mind and the necessary action must be taken.Effects of cell therapy