Health Innovation

Bowen Technique Treatment

Bowen technique is a complimentary technique, which specific therapeutic movements take place in order to bring out the desired effect. It is a system of subtle and precise mobilization, which is known as 'Bowen moves'. In this practice, therapists use their fingers and thumbs at specific points like over muscles, tendons, nerves and fascia.This type of treatment consists of a series of specific sequences of moves called procedure, with frequent pauses to allow time for the body to respond. The art of this therapy is somewhere between the art of Zen calligraphy and homeopathic medicine.

Tom Bowen introduced the Bowen technique in 1950s. However, he was not a trained therapist but he tried to be a part of the osteopaths. He could manipulate the muscles and soft tissues in order to relieve the pain. Moreover, he could feel the tension in the muscles and could exactly locate the area that need to be manipulated.It is a simple and a powerful technique, which can relieve all kinds of aches as it is gentle that it can be used on anyone. This technique is not a massage, chiropractic or acupressure; it is quite different from this. The therapist use his thumbs and fingers to gently move muscles and tissues.

Benefits of Bowen Therapy

This technique is extremely gentle and is considered appropriate for anyone from newborn babies to pregnant, the frails and the elderly. This can assist recovery from many physical as well as mental conditions, such as from traumatic injuries to chronic ailments, depending upon each person's capacity to heal.

  • This technique should be considered for back pain, sciatica, digestive problems, migraines, ear infections and earache.
  • Moreover, it is very beneficial in treating many injuries like sports injuries and accidental injuries.
  • Apart from this, it is also beneficial for pregnant women as well as newborn babies.
  • Bowen therapy is considered useful in many disorders, such as frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, knee pains, and foot problems.
  • It is also helpful in treating ailments of soft organs like bladder, menstrual irregularities, digestive problems etc.

Limitations of Bowen Therapy

Sometimes, first Bowen treatment may cause tiredness on the day of treatment. If this occurs, it is important to inform your therapist as soon as possible. In some cases patient may experience little reaction, but there is a set of Bowen moves, which are particularly for this event.