Health Innovation

Bates Eyes Therapy to restore normal, healthy vision

Eyes are very essential part or an organ of our body. Our eyes are the windows through which we view the world around us. Therefore, there is no question that we value our eyes as well as our vision more than any other part of our body. Many surveys have shown that sight is the one that people fear to losing the most, of the five senses.Bates eye therapy is an alternative therapy, which aims to restore normal, healthy, functional use of the eyes. The whole credit goes to Dr. William H. Bates for this brilliant discovery. According to him, all humans possess visual strength that they are usually not aware of but they can be developed and improved with this practice.

Dr. Bates was not in the favor of spectacles and believes that most of the problems of eyes are caused because of persistent strain. The strain is a mental habit, the physical manifestation of strain follows suit and by utilizing this technique, it becomes possible to gain insight into the nature of the excessive strain.Moreover, our eyes are constantly active and open to the visual world in many other respects. Our eyes perceive light, lack of light, movement, color, and depth, while most of the people do not care about this and for them are very easy and they are, more or less, taken for granted. However, people have become very conscious about their eyes. As a result, this method is gaining huge popularity. The key principle of this therapy remains that eyes are affected because of habitual strain and that they can be relieved by the proper relaxation. This method is practiced while considering that that the relaxation principle is the key to relive problems related to eyesight.

Treatments suggested under Bates method Palming

Palming is one of the simplest techniques of relaxing the eyes. This technique is also regarded as a foundation for learning how to relax the eyes and mind.

The Swings

This introduces the movement of eyeballs from back to front in order to get a swinging effect. This section contains descriptions of five different types of visual swings.


It is the simplest application of light to the eyes, which provides a similar foundation for the eyes same as palming.


Several eye specialists now use modified form of this method. This helps in the reduction of eyestrain, works against the sensitiveness to bright light, helps in the correction of refraction errors and astigmatism.