Anodyne therapy is a light therapy is a light therapy, which is generally used to manage several pains and for healing of wounds. This therapy works wonders for individuals suffering from aching muscles and critical nerve conditions that is why it is gaining immense popularity in this twenty-first century.We know that light has been popular for its biological effects, over several years as it is used at certain wavelength in order to produce the desirable effect on human body cells. This therapy is one of its own kinds because in this process light is used at a certain wavelength to relieving the pain as well as stiffness. It has been clinically proven that this therapy helps in improving the blood circulation and promotes the wound healing. Apart from this, it is also used in physiotherapy in order to reduce the pain. It is widely used by renowned hospitals, clinics, and home care facilities.
In anodyne therapy, infrared light is used effectively in order to bring relief from ache without any use of pills like painkillers. This therapy is completely non-invasive and this thing makes this even more special. During the procedure, the light penetrates into the body of the patient up to 5 cm, which in turn helps in increasing the blood circulation over the nerves and tissues in the required area.Nitric oxide is the key factor for increased blood circulation and discharge of nitric oxide from blood cells is stimulated by anodyne therapy. The other powerful vasodilator is nitric oxide, which is present in the body and it is one of the key ingredients for pain relief medications like morphine. However, molecules of nitric oxide help in relaxation of arteries and helps in regulating blood pressure. This therapy helps in relieving pain by increasing the production of nitric oxide, which improves the blood circulation.Benefits