Integrative Medicine

Alternative Medicine Preferred by over 70% Olden Adults

Reports from a large federal survey conducted recently, have revealed that over 1/3 of older adults as well as 12% of children living in the US currently opt for alternatives rather than sticking to traditional medicine.The survey had over 32000 participants, including children. The results of the same indicated that alternative aka complementary therapies like probiotics and yoga, etc. have become deeply entrenched in the standard health care regime of several Americans.Among the myriad alternative therapies available, dietary supplements as well as herbal products were the most preferred.

These were followed by meditation, massage, deep breathing exercises, yoga and chiropractic therapy. The survey also saw an increased interest in acupuncture, yoga, meditation and massage over the last 5 years.While many have welcomed this dependence on alternative medicine, others have criticized the same by citing that most of these alternative therapies are either not validated scientifically or are proven ineffective after rigorous testing.These critics also believe that certain dietary supplements may increase health related risks in people using them. They also cite that to get cured mentality by these so-called magic potions make individuals stay away from mainstream treatments altogether.The survey indicated that adults prefer alternative therapies for issues like neck, back or joint pains. On the other hand, children use alternative therapies for colds, stress, anxiety, ADD, ADHD, musculoskeletal problems, etc.

In most of these cases, the child had to opt for alternative medicine because his/her parents preferred them. As such, the survey reveals that a child whose parents prefer alternative treatments is at least five times more likely to prefer alternative treatment as well when compared to a child whose parents do not opt for the same.Experts believe that the survey findings would help create priorities for more research to be done on these therapies. However, critics claim that the survey is merely a tool to encourage the government to spend more on such researches. They believe that the money wasted in these researches could be utilizes in better ways.Even those who support alternative medicine acknowledge the fact that these therapies come with legitimate concerns about safety and effectiveness. For instance, dietary supplements are more prone to be contaminated, as they are not regulated like standard medications. Some supplements also interfere with standard prescription drugs. However, the government allotting funds to research on these alternative medicines would supposedly offer reliable information to individuals who can then choose for themselves.