Wellness Therapy

Acupuncture is a great tool for relieving depression and stress

Depression is a silent killer. If not treated in time it can cause serious problems and make one prone to commit suicide. Chronic depression is quite difficult to treat with medicines alone. Patients also need to consult expert psycho counselors. Acupuncture is also known to help patients who are suffering from anxiety and depression.Thousands of years ago acupuncture originated in ancient China and has been the part of Chinese medicine ever since. In the present era, acupuncture has also become popular in western countries, especially in US. Acupuncture tries to create a balance between our physical, spiritual and mental state and improves the flow of energy through our body.

The method in which acupuncture works

Depending on the nature of ailment, thin needles are inserted at specific point of the body. The needles help in improving the flow of energy and enable the body in healing itself from disabilities. According to ancient Chinese medicine, energy or chi flows through channels spread across the body called meridians. Ailments and diseases can change the natural course of energy or prevent its flow.Acupuncture removes the obstacles that prevent energy from flowing through its natural route and corrects the imbalances. Another theory tells that acupuncture can stimulate the pressure points and increase the production of substances inside the body which helps in curing different ailments.Acupuncture is a part of alternative medicine. It does not impart any side effects and that's why many patients in developed countries are using it. You can combine acupuncture therapy with traditional medicines and psychological counseling for getting rid of tension, anxiety and depression.

How does acupuncture help in depression?

According to the results of a research published in Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine use of electroacupunture can help as much as the drug named Prozac in reducing signs of depression. Some of the signs of severe depression include hopelessness, exhaustion, lack of interest in everything, pessimism and mood swings. Though the causes of depression are varied and cannot be in pin pointed, acupuncture believes imbalance of energy to be the reason behind it. If the flow of chi gets halted or disrupted then problems like anxiety and depression can crop up.