Infertility is a serious problem that bitterly affects conjugal life. The traditional treatment procedures for curing infertility are time consuming and sometimes they do not work. Even after spending thousands of dollars, individuals affected by infertility are unable to conceive or have their own babies.This can lead to frustration and disintegration of personal relationships. People with infertility are now turning towards alternative medicine and especially acupuncture for a remedy to this problem. According to many reliable sources, acupuncture has the ability of curing infertility. In the following paragraphs, the role of acupuncture in treating infertility has been discussed.
What is acupuncture?
It is important for you to understand how acupuncture works and how it is done before you use it for infertility treatment. Only qualified practitioners can conduct acupuncture therapy. In this special type of alternative medicinal therapy sterilised, ultra thin needles are inserted through the particular acupuncture pressure points around your body.Acupuncture is a part of ancient Chinese medicine. It evolved from the belief that energy flows through certain path inside our body. The needles help in creating balance of energy flow. Often the reason behind infertility is the dysfunction of hormone producing glands. Acupuncture opens the channels of blocked energy so that the thyroid glands function properly and cures hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Thus, it also helps in curing infertility problems.How
acupuncture affects infertility?
Acupuncture improves the chances of conceiving a child in many ways. First, it can thicken the inner lining of the uterus that helps the embryo in growing and reduces the chances of a miscarriage. In women, acupuncture can be used for enhancing the capability of the ovary and balances the production of hormones. Acupuncture also improves the flow of energy or chi throughout your body.This in turn enhances your ability of reproduction. Though all types of infertility cannot treated by acupuncture alone still it can definitely help the traditional treatments to work faster and also relieves stress. Many a times stress and worry is what keeps a woman from conceiving. The motto of acupuncture is to establish a balance between your physical, mental and spiritual state. When the energy flows smoothly and you feel more relaxed the chances of conceiving will improve as well.