The concept of medical or wellness tourism is as old as tourism itself and it has emerged as the best way to get treated in exotic lands. Wellness tourism involves several traditional, complementary and alternative treatments and therapies. Acutonics is an alternative therapy, which is a stimulation of the body similar to acupuncture. We know that acupuncture is a system of moving different blockage through the channels of the body. On the other hand, in Acutonics they place different tuning forks on the meridians, which are the energetic pathways of the body and moves the blockage.This sound healing system integrates the music, science, metaphysics, and philosophical traditions. This system combines the entire traditional, alternative, modern, and complimentary healthcare practices. It represents the orbital properties of the solar system and this brings the illness with the music of the sphere. This is an energy-based treatment, which is being practiced since ancient days. Individuals of all ages can avail for this non-invasive treatment or therapy at their own places.
Method and procedure
This is a healing modality utilizing tuning forks, which was developed by the Kairos Institute of Sound and Healing. The forks are tuned to the rotations of the heavenly bodies, such as the earth, the sun, the moon and planets, this way give us the conventional qualities of the "music of the sphere."In this process, pair of tuning forks is applied to acupuncture points, opening up meridians that allow the energy to flow freely to remove the blockages. Having an acutonics session is like receiving acupuncture without needles. This application of tuning forks balances and stimulates the fields of the energy in order to promote the healing, which connect the individuals to the original source. This therapy provides access to deep inner balance and sonically rests the negative cellular patterns.
Its benefits